TomTom route planner – Get your directions for free

Get your directions for free with tomtom route planner online

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With TomTom’s very own free online route planner it is easy to plan a route with the exact travel- and arivaltimes just for departure. While planning an accurate door-to-door route the online routeplanner keeps the actual and historic information of trafficstreams in mind, by integration of trafficinformation ( by HD Traffic™ ) and 500 billion historical speedmeasuremens of roads over the whole world ( by IQ Routes™). This gives the user the opportunity to prepare there journey based on facts instead of estimation. With this you’ll get a close prediction on the traveltime. Besides that will corrections be integrated into the routeplanner by users that use Map Share™ so you will have access to the most actual routes based on the latest information.

tomtom route planner directions maps

When you choose to plan a route on a certain time then the actual traficsituation (HD Traffic) is kept in mind and traffic jams will (if possible) be avoided. Or when you plan to ride the route on another moment then historical trafficdata and historical measured speeds will be hold in account. Thats why it is when you plan a route on monday you can get a totaly different traveltime and even another route. Assuming one road is more often used on a monday then on a sunday.

The Route planner looks good and is easy to use. An online routeplanner can be handy but better is to have a TomTom in your car or as an app on your telephone.

Next video gives you a guided tour how to get your directions with the TomTom – Route Planner

Go to TomTom – route planner

Just a few remarkable stories about the use of TomTom

TomTom Route planner

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